Saturday, February 26, 2011


Tozer Devotional
Saturday, February 26, 2011


Certainly not all of the mystery of the Godhead can be known by man-but just as certainly, all that men can know of God in this life is revealed in Jesus Christ! When the Apostle Paul said with yearning, "That I may know Him," he was not speaking of intellectual knowledge. Paul was speaking of the reality of an experience of knowing God personally and consciously, spirit touching spirit and heart touching heart. We know that people spend a lot of time talking about a deeper Christian life-but few seem to want to know and love God for Himself. The precious fact is that God is the deeper life! Jesus Christ Himself is the deeper life, and as I plunge on into the knowledge of the triune God, my heart moves on into the blessedness of His fellowship. This means that there is less of me and more of God-thus my spiritual life deepens and I am strengthened in the knowledge of His will!

Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:14

All that men can know of God in this life is revealed in Jesus Christ!

Lord, let me decrease that you may increase. Let me learn that to know you is to live life more fully.


Sunday's Quote of the Day:

"If you step on people in this life, you're going to come back as a
-- Willie Davis

Monday, February 21, 2011


Please prayerfully consider signing this petition. Being in the environmental consulting business, I have seen first hand how destructive human beings can be in their thinking they know better than Creator how things should be done. Let us in our own way join Creator in "restoring all things" to harmony and balance!

This from Richard Zane Smith:

No Company has a right to CONTROL or take OWNERSHIP of our Native plants

especially corn and beans and squash and tobacco which should be OUR patented plants.

Monsanto never asked Native Americans for permission to create GMO food

monsters from OUR SACRED SISTERS . We hold patent and should insist on it.

Monsanto is seeking to control the world by infecting seed with their own strains

of untested hybridization lab processed seed. This stuff spreads by pollen and

infects seed that has been generationally sufficient.

I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:

"I support NOAH Uganda/No to GMO Maize Testing"

Friday, February 18, 2011


You'll Go Bananas,
You'll Go Insane,
Trying To Please All You Know.
Bending Over Backwards Is A Vain Pain, Compromise One Hot Inferno.
Whatever You Do, Or Whatever You Say, Or How Hard That You Might Try,
You Really Can't Please Everyone, And Here's The Reason Why;
Those Unhappy With Themselves Only See Life's Creases.
No Matter How You Try To Please, They'll Pick Ya All To Pieces.
You Can't Please Those Not Pleased With Themselves
No Matter How Hard You Try.
They'll Find Fault With What You Do Or You Don't.
That's What They Live For And Die.
You Can't Please People Displeased With Themselves,
Be They Near Or Be They Afar,
They'll Bitch And Complain About You Just The Same.
They Can't Help It, That's Just How They Are.
And People Who Feel Real Good About Life,
Spreading Love And Encouragement Too,
Will Love And Accept You And Never Reject You,
No Matter, Whatever You Do.
Yes, Trying To Please Others Is Their Job Not Yours.
Of This You Must Plainly See.
So Whatever You Do You Must Learn To Please You.
For Your Bummers.....
That's Your Best Remedy.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Elder's Meditation of the Day February 11

"Oh God! Like the Thunderbird of old I shall rise again out of the sea; I shall grab the instruments of the white man's success - his education, his skills, and with these new tools I shall build my race into the proudest segment of your society."--Chief Dan George, SALISH

One thing the Indian people do well is adapt. This is why we survive. We must learn to keep our culture, but also to learn the good things that other races have to offer. Education is the future weapon of Native people. We must learn the legal system, health, science and engineering. Indian people have great contributions to make to the world. We need to educate ourselves so we can better protect the land and our children. Otherwise, we will lose the things and the land that we have.

Great Spirit, make me teachable today.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the unalienable freedoms you gave to us.

We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness.

By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once again be a shining Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living. We believe that this has already begun.

We order now through our God Spirit that all evil forces on Earth Shan be removed and cease to exist forever in Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda's name---that they not hinder any longer our battle for freedom and Truth. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in making this so.

We ask for your protection as we confront evil. We ask for your courage and wisdom as we act, and we ask for your power to accomplish our mission.

May our original Constitution and our Bill of Rights be so re-established in the Republic of the United States of America. May the Laws of God and the Creation be established as the Supreme Law of this land. May we again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." We walk in faith, believing that this shall be done.

Fill this land and our world with your Spirit of Love, and Hope, and Peace, and Joy. This is our prayer to our God-Spirit within us, to God Aton of Light. We pray this in the name of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda---and in Heaven's sequence. Not our will, O God, but in all things let Your Will be done. So Be It!

(Updated Feb. 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Spiritual thought from ARCHIE Another Person in RECOVERY

Not my will but Thy will be done.

Prayer is the vitamin for the soul, it will kill the germs that are detrimental to our souls, restore humility and expel the germ of selfishness, it will destroy the germ of hate and restores the element of love, it will banish the germ of doubt and suspicion and restore faith, it will restore our moral and spiritual deficiencies.

Always Say A Prayer


PROPHECY Written on February 3rd

The February 3rd, 2011 Prophecy was unexpected.

The present world events seem to be mentioned within it, but, I've learned not to try to make things fit with the prophecies when I'm inclined to write them.

This well may be foreshadowing events down the road in the future, but, I'm convinced they're in essence True accounts of events to come and, more importantly a 'reason' behind those events at the core archetypal level.

As I've mentioned, I prefer optimistic lines of higher thought and verse, but, then again, from a higher perspective, even with prophecy, the ends are known from the beginnings, so, they may be optimistic in their conclusion and, seem to be.

First of Months War DrumsRevWarDrums The World Unmade from


Worlds in collision

Countries aflame

People seek answers

And, leaders to blame.

Restricted thought did it

This thought of 'Elite'

Has constructed it's castle

And, sealed it's defeat.

Who has the right

To rule all they see?

Tend your own gardens,

You cannot rule me!

Step in the streets,

The raging melee

The powerful fall there,

It's Divinely decreed.

All Souls seek Harmony

To feed and be fed

No one craves battles

But home fires; soft bed.

A caged beast rebels

And the People are caged

They'll escape and find vengence

The World is Unmade.

A 'master' with whip,

Will, with whip be laid low,

It isn't foreseen,

The 'masters' don't know.

Gather in solace

Strengthen each one

Revolution's not finished

It's only begun.

What's seen as disaster

Is only a clearing

Of the old world's debris

While the new world is nearing.

'Darkness, 'fore dawn'

A candle is lit,

To light a new way

To a new life that's fit

For living and growing

Where love has a place

A world with more Heart

And, where Spirit sets pace.

This prophecy True,

Is disguised in time's shade

But, as tide shifts the seas,

So is evil 'unmade'.

Lift head and smile

Stand erect, then, and Walk

Enboldened by Truth

Be blunt in your Talk

Speak plainly where others

Whisper vaguely their lies

The Truth of your Nature

Needs no disguise.

All Higher Law's for you

You cannot be stopped

Delays are but breathers

Your Freedom's been bought.

Your Freedom brings Sunshine

The elite sent to shade

The Truth you've revealed is

It's their 'world' that's unmade.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hummingbirds: Subject of many Native American Legends ByTREEBEARBEAR


Hummingbirds are found only in the western hemisphere, so they are absent from the traditional fairy tales, legends, and myths of European and African Americans. There is, however, a rich supply of stories about these tiny birds in Native American mythology.

A Mayan legend says the hummingbird is actually the sun in disguise, and he is trying to court a beautiful woman, who is the moon.

Another Mayan legend says the first two hummingbirds were created from the small feather scraps left over from the construction of other birds. The god who made the hummers was so pleased he had an elaborate wedding ceremony for them. First butterflies marked out a room, then flower petals fell on the ground to make a carpet; spiders spun webs to make a bridal pathway, then the sun sent down rays which caused the tiny groom to glow with dazzling reds and greens. The wedding guests noticed that whenever he turned away from the sun, he became drab again like the original gray feathers from which he was made.

A third Mayan legend speaks of a hummingbird piercing the the tongue of ancient kings. When the blood was poured on sacred scrolls and burned, divine ancestors appeared in the smoke.

A Mojave legend tells of a primordial time when people lived in an underground world of darkness. They send a hummingbird up to look for light. High above them the little bird found a twisted path to the sunlit upper world where people now live.

There is a legend from the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Puerto Rico about a young woman and a young man, who were from rival tribes. Like Romeo and Juliet, they fell in love, precipitating the intense criticism of their family and friends. Nevertheless, the two of them found a way to escape both time and culture. One became a hummingbird and the other a red flower. The Taino Indians also take the hummingbird to be a sacred pollinator, whose mission is to bring an abundance of new life.

To the Chayma people of Trinidad, hummers are dead ancestors, so there is a taboo against harming them. An extinct Caribbean tribe called the Arawaks thought it was Hummingbird who brought tobacco. They called him the Doctor Bird.

In a Navajo legend a hummer was sent up to see what is above the blue sky. It turns out to be absolutely nothing.

In a Cherokee story, a medicine man turned himself into a hummingbird to retrieve lost tobacco plants. In another Cherokee story, a woman is courted by both a hummingbird and a crane. She first chooses the hummingbird for his good looks, but the crane convinces here that there should be a race around the world with the winner having her hand in marriage. She agrees, thinking the hummingbird is bound to win because he flies so fast. What she fails to take into account is that Crane can fly all night long, while Hummingbird is able to fly only during the day. Crane wins, but she reneges on her promise, because he is so ugly. The Creek Indians have a similar story. In this version Crane wins because he flies in a straight line, while Hummingbird zigzags.

Hopi and Zuni legends tell of hummingbirds intervening on behalf of humans, convincing the gods to bring rain. Because of this, people from these tribes often paint hummingbirds on water jars. The Hopi kachina for Hummingbird depicts him with green moccasins and a green mask. He has an aqua body, and he is yellow on top of the head. H is crowned with a ruff made of Douglas fir.

One of the Hopi stories is about a time of famine when a young boy and girl were left alone while their parents were searching for food. After the boy made a toy hummingbird, his sister threw it into the air. It came to life and began to provide for them by bringing an ear of corn every day. Eventually, the hummingbird flew to the center of the earth where it pleaded with the god of fertility to restore the land. Rain and green vegetation came, then the children's parents returned.

In a Pima legend a hummingbird acted like Noah's dove, bringing back a flower as proof the great flood was subsiding.

There is a legend from Mexico about a Taroscan Indian woman who was taught how to weave beautiful baskets by a grateful hummingbird to whom she had given sugar water during a drought. These baskets are now used in Day of the Dead Festivals.

An Apache legend tells of Wind Dancer, a young warrior, who was born deaf, but could sing magical, wordless songs that brought healing and good weather. He married Bright Rain, a beautiful, young woman whom he rescued when she was being attacked by a wolf.

Wind Dancer was killed during another errand of mercy. A bitter, death-bring winter ensued, but it suddenly and mysteriously ended after Bright Rain started taking solitary walks.

Tribal elders learned Wind Dancer had come back to her in the form of a hummingbird. He wore the same ceremonial costume and war paint he had worn as a man. In fields of spring flowers he would approach her and whisper his magical secrets in her ear. This brought her peace and joy.

The Pueblo Indians have hummingbird dances and use hummingbird feathers in rituals to bring rain. Pueblo shamans use hummingbirds as couriers to send gifts to the Great Mother who lives beneath the earth.

To many of the Pueblo the hummingbird is a tobacco bird. In one myth Hummingbird gets smoke from Caterpillar, the guardian of the tobacco plant. Hummingbird brings smoke to the shamans so they can purify the earth.

Some Pueblo Indians have a ritual for babies that are stillborn or die in the first few days of life. Prayer sticks with hummingbird feathers are held before the sunrise on the winter solstice in a ceremony that hastens re-birth.

One Pueblo story tells of a demon who is blinded after losing a bet with the sun. In anger he spews out hot lava. The earth catches fire. A hummingbird then saves the beautiful land of people and animals by gathering clouds from the four directions. Hummingbird uses rain from these clouds to put out the flames. This legend says the bright colors on a hummingbird's throat came after he fled through the rainbow in search of rain clouds.

In Central America, the Aztecs decorated their ceremonial cloaks with hummingbird feathers. The chieftains wore hummingbird earrings. Aztec priests had staves decorated with hummingbird feathers. They used these to suck evil out of people who had been cursed by sorcerers.

An Aztec myth tells of a valiant warrior named Huitzil, who led them to a new homeland, then helped them defend it. This famous hero's full name was Huitzilopochtli, which means "hummingbird from the left." The "left" is the deep south, the location of the spirit world. The woman who gave birth to Huitzil was Coatlicul. She conceived him from a ball of feathers that fell from the sky. Huitzil wore a helmet shaped like a giant hummingbird.

At a key moment in an important battle, Huitzil was killed. His body vanished and a green-backed hummingbird whirred up from the spot where he had fallen to inspire his followers to go on to victory. After Huitzil's death, he became a god.

The Aztecs came to believe that every warrior slain in battle rose to the sky and orbited the sun for four years. Then they became hummingbirds. In the afterlife these transformed heroes fed on the flowers in the gardens of paradise, while engaging from time to time in mock battles to sharpen their skills. At night the hummingbird angels became soldiers again and followed Huitzil, fighting off the powers of the darkness, restoring warmth and light. As dawn broke, the hummingbirds went into a frenzy. The sun rewarded them for this by giving them a radiant sheen.

In an Aztec ritual dancers formed a circle and sang a song which included these words: "I am the Shining One, bird, warrior and wizard." At the end of the ritual young men lifted young girls helping them to fly like hummingbirds.

There is another Aztec legend which says the god of music and poetry took the form of a hummingbird and descended into the underworld to make love with a goddess, who then gave birth to the first flower.

One of the widespread beliefs is that hummingbirds, in some way, are messengers between words. As such they help shamans keep nature and spirit in balance. The Cochti have a story about ancient people who lost faith in the Great Mother. In anger, she deprived them of rain for four years. The people noticed that the only creature who thrived during this drought was Hummingbird. When they studies his habits, the shamans learned that Hummingbird had a secret passageway to the underworld. Periodically, he went there to gather honey. Further study revealed that this doorway was open to Hummingbird alone because he had never lost faith in the Great Mother. This information inspired the people to regain faith

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Global Meditation to the Unviversal Plane

On Feb 10, 2011 we will be entering a new cycle together with Mother Earth, the Universal Plane. Healing on all levels wants to take place.

Choose 7:00, ensuring that the collective energy of love is being released for a certain length of time on this day. If 7:00 is not suitable for you, then just tune in with the beings who are currently meditating when you have time.

Take a crystal that has been cleaned the day before and placed outside for 24 hours. This crystal is a gift for Mother Earth, so choose one that you are prepared to return to Her.
The energetic potential of the Universal Plane will remind humanity of its connection to Mother Earth and return us to a life in unity.
Mother Earth has served humanity patiently and devotedly for a long time. She gave us nourishment, She gave us our bodies, and She was there for us so that we were able to experience ourselves as human beings at all.
Now it is time to thank Mother Earth and to pursue a new path, a joint path in harmony and unison with the heartbeat of the Mother.
It is time to show our Mother that we are ready for it and return something to Her as a token of our gratitude for Her generous gifts. Your chosen crystal is the symbol for your willingness.

As a last step, you return the crystal to Mother Earth, on the day of meditation or in the next days. Choose a stretch of water near you, a river, a stream, a lake or the sea, if you live nearby. Throw the crystal into the water and allow the love and thankfulness to be carried around the earth by the power of the water, so that all other beings will be reached, who are still caught in the deep dream of forgetting. If you receive an impulse to repeat this ritual with other crystals, please do so.


Sit comfortably back and count to 7 in mind and breathe slowly through your nose. Visualize you, like light through your roots and crown of the spine along streams and accumulates in your heart chakra.

Count to 7 and keep in mind while his breath. Watch the ball of light in your heart center.

Count up in thought, 7 and exhale through the mouth. Imagine now how the light in all directions through your energy field to the outside enters and cleans everything Spent and removed.

Count up in thought, 7 and hold my breath. Watch what happens.

This breathing technique repeat 7x in a row and then allow just how the energy moves. Most feel so easy that you could drift with the wind. Experience the feeling of freedom.

After a few minutes you can go ahead and go in the conscious connection to Mother Earth and Father Sky. Let your heart center in a ball formed out of love for Mother Earth. Remember just to the wonderful places she has already shown you, and send this ball of light into the heart of Mother Earth. Wait, wait until she answers you. It will say, because she loves you. Let all her love into your body and your energy field to flow. Let your heart center in a ball formed out of love for father sky for what's beyond Earth. Remember, for example, to a starry sky and send all your love to father sky. Wait until you answer Father Sky. He sends you his love. Let it flow into your body and your energy field.

You are now connected in love with Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Enjoy this connection to the first 10 minutes to have.

Then, imagine how you are floating along with all the other people who meditate just above the planet in the universe. It forms a circle around Mother Earth and keep yourself while on your hands.

Now think of everything for which you're grateful mother earth. Say it silently or out in your mind:

"Mother Earth, I thank you for my physical body, I thank you for your beauty, I thank you for the food, I thank you for the patience that you have placed in us your children. Etc ... .. "

Stay for 10 minutes at this picture, as you hand in hand with all the other people were floating in the universe, and thanks to Mother Earth. If you think of anything more start, simply from the front.

Then return to your body now and take the crystal that you have set before thee ready and hold it to your heart center.

Now breathe deeply into your heart and imagine there remains a shining sun. This sun is now charged with all the love and gratitude you feel for Mother Earth. to breathe deeply now for another 10 minutes and see how the sun always shine brighter start breathing out, and let the love and gratitude will flow into the crystal. Charging her with love and gratitude in your heart.

Then gradually return back to the here and now.