Totally Saved -Totally Naked
To be a sinner is to be naked, and to be naked is to be ashamed and fearful of God. This sense of nakedness is so awful, that the very first thing Adam and Eve did was try to cover themselves with fig leaves. | |
Unfortunately, fig leaves are just not good enough to cover up your nakedness, because Adam and Eve were still afraid of God when He came to visit them. The only thing that could truly take away their nakedness and allow them to be comfortable in God's presence, was for God himself to kill an animal, and then give our first parents this animal skin to wear. Genesis 3:1-21 | |
The symbolism here is important. Fig leaves represent human efforts, human excuses, human rationalizations. Because of sin, we know we are naked, and we quickly try to cover ourselves with our own deeds. But it never works. Only God can cover our nakedness, and He can only do that by killing an animal, which is Jesus, "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29 | |
If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then your sinful nakedness is covered. To try and gain God's approval by human works is like sewing fig leaves on TOP of the lamb skin God gave you to wear! In fact, your works are so useless in getting you saved, that God doesn't even let you kill the animal. Only God can do that. All you do it wear it. | |
If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you are wearing the covering of the Lamb, given to you freely by God. To try and add to that covering with human works or deeds is only an insult to God and to the Lamb who was stripped naked of even his skin that your sinful nakedness might be covered. God himself has done EVERYTHING needed to cover your nakedness, and that covering guarantees that you can now boldly come into God's presence, because He has taken away your shame, and made you TOTALLY SAVED! |
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