Wednesday, January 19, 2011



Obesity is a cosmopolitan disease that affects all races worldwide. However, certain ethnic and racial groups appear to be particularly predisposed. The Pima Indians of Arizona and other ethnic groups native to North America have a particularly high prevalence of obesity. In addition, Polynesians, Micronesians, Anurans, Maoris of the West and East Indies, African Americans in North America, and the Hispanic populations (both Mexican and Puerto Rican in origin) in North America also have particularly high predispositions to developing obesity.

Secular trends clearly emphasize the importance of environmental factors (particularly dietary issues) in the development of obesity. In many genetically similar cohorts of the high-risk ethnic and racial groups mentioned above, the prevalence for obesity in their countries of origin might be low, but this rate considerably changes when such groups emigrate to the affluent countries of the Northern hemisphere, where they alter their dietary and activity habits. These findings form the core concept of the thrifty gene hypothesis that Neal and colleagues espoused.I knew there was a reason why more ETHNIC groups are predisposed to be Plumper than others? Here's the proof that I found from a Medical site that I have been studying. I hope that we can change the diets for the future of our children, cause it's not healthy to be bigger when your a child. CAUSE it's just going to cause you later problems in your future. BUT, when your all grown up and happy with you weight, it's fine. BUT, I mean when you choose to be a HEALTHY Weight size for your own personal body. LIKE I AM NOW. Deb in Portland,Oregon.

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