Dr Adrian Rogers said, 'God takes ordinary people and gives them power to do extraordinary things. Whether you put hub caps on tyres... key in data... dig ditches or wash dishes, "Work... as... for the Lord... "( Colossians 3:23 NLT). Jesus' home was the cottage of a working man. Mending ploughs or mending souls, Jesus was doing God's work because people need houses and furniture. Knowing you're serving the Lord puts dignity in running a machine, greasing cars, carrying mail, painting houses, or cutting grass. Tell God, "I'm doing this for you and I'll do it with all my might"... That kind of attitude puts a spring in your step... You're a priest of God... in full-time service, and if that doesn't ring your bell - your clapper's broken!' As Leigh Priebe Kearney says, 'No job's perfect... there'll always be things you aren't thrilled about. See the big picture: find out where the company's heading and how you fit in. Reach out: ask what's important to your co-workers and how you can help them.' You can have almost anything you want, if you help enough other people get what they want. Remember the three Cs: 1) commitment. Workers who get ahead share a sense of commitment: they're fully engaged in their work 2) control. They're proactive, not passive 3) challenge. They see stressful situations as opportunities for growth. Don't wait for your ship to come in - swim out to meet it! Management won't suddenly recognise your potential, pluck you from obscurity and rocket you to the top. Draft a plan, then talk to your boss. A game plan shows you're open to professional growth. Keep learning: talk to people from other departments, take classes, and tackle projects outside your comfort zone.
Monday, September 27, 2010
A california cat on vacation? | Funny Cat Pictures | Caption Splash
Link Try and make one of these yourself. They are really fun and uplifting. dEB
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Make Sure You alway's Have SWEET DREAMS From a friend on Yahoo.com
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." (v. 8)
Let your last thought at night be a thought about your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The last thoughts that lie on our minds at night are powerful and determinative, for the door into the subconscious is opening and they drop in to work good or evil. It's bad enough struggling with evil thoughts while you are awake; don't let them take control while you are asleep. Your conscious mind may be inactive while you are asleep, not so the subconscious. The last thoughts lying in your mind as you go to sleep usually become the "playthings" of the subconscious, and it works on these during the hours you are asleep. If it is true that your mind is active while you are asleep - and there certainly seems to be plenty of evidence to support this theory, then make your mind work in a positive and not a negative way. Satan delights in dropping an evil thought into your mind during the moments immediately prior to sleep, because he knows that it will work destructively all through the night, influencing your attitudes and most likely preventing you from enjoying a peaceful night's sleep. Then when you wake, you find that not only do you have to face the problems of another day, but you also have to face them without having drawn fully on the resources available to you through sleep. Thus begins a recurring pattern which cannot help but drag you down. So learn to elbow out any evil thought that enters your mind just before sleep, and let your last thought be a thought of Christ.
Father, if it is true that my mind works when I am asleep, then help me to make it work for good and not for evil. Teach me the art of holding a thought about You on my mind immediately prior to going to sleep. I shall begin tonight, Lord. Amen
Friday, September 24, 2010
In the spirit of halloween on Twitpic
Link Check out these new ideas for Pumpkins in the year of 2010. I guess we can design new age pumpkins looking like our decor in any style, color, or design, thank to Tanya Nayak one of my most favorite designer's on HGTV. I love her personality and her passion for design.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Debra Rincon Lopez's Favorite Famous Quotes | Quotes Daddy
Link Some of my favorite quote's from Famous people on Quotes Daddy.com
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Helping your fellow man in Recovery. By Debra Rincon Lopez
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Mexico bans sodas, fried foods and junk food from public school (while the USA does nothing)
Link I guess they care more for the future of their children, than we do? NOT! In Oregon we have banned sodas, & junk food for a longtime now! What's wrong with the rest of the USA?
Philippians 2:3-4 : Today's Verse : Devotionals : HEARTLIGHT�
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others.
![Today's Verse picture... click for a larger version](http://www.heartlight.org/today/18.gif)
- Philippians 2:3-4, New International Version
Prayer to the CREATOR By Chief Cochise (a Chericaha)
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Open our hearts to peace and healing between all people.
Open our hearts to provide and protect for all children of the earth.
Open our hearts to respect for the earth, and all the gifts of the earth.
Open our hearts to end exclusion, violence, and fear among all.
Thank-you for the gifts of this day and every day.
You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts.
Cochise ("Like Ironweed") Chericahau Chief
By Mike Eshkibok, Grand Forks Herald ND
Published Monday, March 05, 2007
GRAND FORKS - It's true that alcoholism and drug abuse have caused terrible problems for many North American Indians. But it's also true that great numbers of Indians can drink socially (or not drink at all) and not incur serious problems. For the media, striking a balance between those two facts is central to "getting the story right."
Alcoholism's prevalence among Indians not only has caused enormous physical and emotional problems. It also has led to stereotyping, including in movies as recent and popular as "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Apocalypto." These powerful films depict Indians in a violent or stereotypical way, suggesting that all Indians are afflicted with drug and alcohol problems.
Like all stereotypes, this one is inaccurate because it ignores the uniqueness of each individual. One might expect a more balanced portrayal of Indians in the world of science; but unfortunately, scientific inquiry - with its emphasis on defining and solving problems - has not focused on the vast number of Indians who maintain sober and productive lives.
Then there is the fact that science and the media have focused on Indians living on reservations, even though for decades, the federal government enforced an assimilationist policy that removed Indians from their lands and made their coping mechanisms illegal. Before European colonization started, Indians were relatively unaffected by alcohol. Although some tribes produced weak beers or other fermented beverages, these generally were used for ceremonial purposes. The distillation of more potent forms of alcohol was unknown.
When European colonists suddenly made large quantities of distilled spirits available, the Indians had little time to develop legal, moral and social procedures to regulate alcohol use. Traders found that providing free alcohol during trading gave them an advantage in their negotiations with Indians. Extreme intoxication was common among the colonists, and was a powerful example for the social use of alcohol among the inexperienced Indian population.
Thus, history may have sown the seeds for the prevalence of alcohol abuse among today's Indians. Early demand, no regulation and strong encouragement likely helped form a "tradition" of heavy alcohol use passed down from generation to generation, which has led to the current high level of alcohol-related problems.
But remember: A "high level" does not mean 100 percent or anything close to it.
Today, educated American Indians themselves must keep this in mind, as they study and testify about the alcoholism rate on reservations, said Monique Vondall-Rieke, director of the Native Media Center at UND.
And "it's important to set the record straight," Vondall-Rieke added.
"When you come from a race of people who have been annihilated, assimilated and culturally stripped of their lifestyles, you are bound to have these social problems and other pitfalls. These social ills are historically proven to be a direct result of the negative attitudes people have taken toward American Indians. I believe we need to address the public relations at home in each American Indian community at the same time we try to help mainstream media to 'get the story right.'"
Unfortunately, stereotypes are all that most Americans use to define Indian people, said Donna Brown, assistant director at UND's American Indian Student Services.
"To dispel stereotypes, people need to take it upon themselves to visit organizations such as the schools, colleges and hospitals on Indian reservations," Brown added.
"They would find that life is not all negative, and that Indian people have goals and hope for the future, just like everyone else."
A personal note: When I was young, I did not know that I suffered from alcoholism, because all of the whites and Indians I knew drank like I did. Today, I have not taken a drink in 25 years. This has made me more aware of alcohol's effects and consequences, and I know today that the answers to my problems lie within me and with the God of my understanding.
I found my answers through Alcoholics Anonymous' 12-step program. There are a lot of similarities between AA and American Indian culture, especially the parts about sharing and living in the present.
Fighting an addiction can be a lonely journey. Spirituality is the best way I know of to overcome any addiction.
As mentioned above, great numbers of Indians can drink socially and not incur serious problems. But for those Indians who can't, going back to their own culture and traditions that allowed us to survive for tens of thousands of years would be a move in the right direction. To sum up, what we are saying is this: "Walk a mile in my moccasins before you criticize me."
Eshkibok, an Ojibwe Indian, is a doctoral student at the UND School of Communication.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Henry's Fork Country: William Sutton, Oglala Lakota in critical need
Making Everlasting Memories, worldwide memorialization, establish a living family history
Link My very good friend Carol Kolupka's husband Frank Died on September 2, 2010. He was born on September 27, 1927. He will surely missed by his son & daughters in Portland Oregon USA.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Invite to LivingSocial
Link I would like to invite anyone anywhere to join this Living Social coupon organization in your area. It is decided by your Zipcode & Area, & STATE of Home. Check this out it could save you some money today & tomarrow.
Invite to LivingSocial
Link I would like to invite anyone anywhere to join this Living Social coupon organization in your area. It is decided by your Zipcode & Area, & STATE of Home. Check this out it could save you some money today & tomarrow.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Graywolf Larry Knowles's Page - Dreamcatchers
Link Light a candle for a quick and safe Recovery from any illnesses or sorrowful incident.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Protesters Shot Dead In Koran Burning Row - Yahoo! News UK - Care2 News Network
Link I knew absoulutely that this would create trouble when I first heard of this dumb idea? Now this is already happening, I certainly hope that this PASTOR is happy for getting people riled up over his crime against a fellow Religion. He should and better be ashamed of this happening and he better make a statement now before more repercussions come out of it!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Prayers to Remember Daily from a friend named SANDY on Yahoo.com
Faith, Hope & Charity Inspiration...The Glory Rightfully Belongs to
"It is not good to eat much honey:
so for men to search their own glory
is not glory."
Proverbs 25:27
The "Glory" Rightfully Belongs to God
How often do Christian's seek some type of reward for a task which they said was done for the Lord? And how often do Christian's just give up and quit because they aren't "thanked" enough for the tasks they perform?
True Christianity means:
Serve . . . even when we are not being served.
Love . . . even when we may not be loved.
Help . . . even when we have not been helped.
Give . . . even when we have not received.
Please . . . even if others do not please us.
How often have you felt the precious thrill that comes from just being in God's will? Do you count earth's glory dim compared to the joy of serving Him?
The Bible urges us, "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment." In order to see ourselves realistically we must "In humility receive the implanted word . . ." Then we must use that word as a mirror in order to see our true spiritual condition and change what needs changing.
(Scripture references: Romans 12:3, James 1:21, 23-25)
What is it your heart longs for?
Praise of people or glorifying the Lord?
Not unto us, O Lord,
but unto Thy name we give the glory!
Serving in His Unconditional Love,
Jesus is our One true source of joy!
NOTHING compares to the promise we have in Him!
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
Isn't it great to know . . . ?
Place your mouse on the X below and drag to the O.
XEven though you can't see Him, GOD is there!O
Permission is granted to use these inspirational messages
in any way for the glory of God,
with no need to attribute anything to me.
Joy in Jesus,
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Contested Settlement - By Hussein Ibish | Foreign Policy
Link Their will be no way of Peace because Israel won't give up anything to anyone. How could they ever compromise their lands. they refuse to budge on anything ever, that's the whole entire problem. Even if they are told to do things they just pretend they will work it out, but the truth is they are GREEDY beyond anyone's kNowledge. And alway's will be to the END of course
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Crossroads.com Inspirational Christian E-cards to send:
http://www.crosscards.com/cards/original-artists/a-joyful-creation/be-still.html" title="Be Still">
http://media.salemwebnetwork.com/ecards/lallier/be-still.80.tn.jpg" />
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Please join in with me in prayer
* O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds
among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his
wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice
that seek the LORD. Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face
evermore. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and
the judgments of his mouth; *
*Psalms 105:1-5 (KJV)*
*Let us draw close to the Lord and ask for His Help in seeking Him more
*God, our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord,*
*We bow before Your Magesty, as we approach Your Throne of Grace in the Holy
* with an humble heart and a contrite spirit. *
*We thank You for making it possible for us to seek You Face,
morning-noon-and night.*
*We glory in Your Holy Name, and we greatly rejoice, as we seek You and Your
*Help us to ever remember to seek Your Face and depend upon Your Tender
*You are our Father God, and we will seek You early. *
*Our soul thirst for You, and we long to see Your Power and Glory.*
* Your Lovingkindness is better than life to us, and our lips will Praise
You for Eternity.*
*We will bless You while on this side of life and will lift up our hands in
Praise to Your Holy Name.*
*As the deer pants after the water brooks, our soul pants after You. *
*Indeed, our soul thirst for You...our Living God.*
*Righteous and Holy Father...we rejoice in You and give thanks unto You, as
we call upon Your Name.*
*We will sing unto You and talk of all Your Wonderous Works.*
*We glory in Your Holy Name.*
*We greatly rejoice as we seek You more fully.*
*With Your help, Precious Lord, we will seek You, Your face, and Your
strength forevermore.*
*We are blessed with the opportunity to seek You in the good times and when
trials comes our way.*
*We love You for the Salvation that You have brought to us and we want to
magnify You*
*with everything we do and say.*
*Thank You for being our help and our Deliverer.*
*Thank You for enabling us to find You each time we seek You.*
*Help us to seek You with our whole heart at all times.*
*Help us not to wander from Your Commandments.*
*Thank You for Your Proimise that those who seek You not lack any good
*We will set You always before us, Father God.*
*You are the Right Hand of our Salvation and we shall not be moved.*
*Thank You for showing us the "Path of Life."*
*In Your Presence we have the fullness of Joy and Peace.*
*At Your Right Hand....we have pleasure forevermore.*
*As our soul and spirit reaches out to You, Holy Father,*
*It is in the Glorious Name of Jesus we pray and give our honor and praise
to You.*
*Amen and Amen*
* The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make His face shine upon
thee, And be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up His countenance upon
thee, and give thee peace. *
*Num 6:24-26 (KJV)*
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