Friday, December 17, 2010


Messages from the Heart of Yellow Horse Man "Life as we know it is changing, Mother Earth is changing. Where there was once great forests now there are towns and cities. Their lights fill the skies where once it was only the stars and the moon that lit the night skies. There was once a time when the rivers flowed clean and free. Now many are dammed and polluted. The skies were filled with the winged one's and the four legged were free to roam and now many have become extinct. The great oceans that were once filled with the many kinds of fish and mammoths have become our dumping place for our unwanted waste and poisons that we no longer need. Once we were healthy and strong human beings, we have now become sick and riddled with disease that we have no cure for as we are told. Now we are able to communicate around the world in just seconds, yet we are not listening to each other or the cries from Mother Earth. We speak of this land as the "land of plenty", yet we allow families to starve. Our leaders speak of peace, yet we create wars. Is it freedom we seek? Or has greed turned our hearts cold? Life as we know it is changing. Have we forgotten the future generations that we speak of? We are now in a time where the leaders of the world no longer care for the people to whom they are to serve. Have we forgotten what is sacred? Have we become so much a part of the illusion that we no longer care to know the truth? Have we all become so fearful that we no longer believe in Great Spirit/Creator/God? In this time of changing Great Spirit is still giving us messages, yet are we listening? In October alone we have all witnessed the great miracles in our skies. The moon coming in front of the sun and then the sun coming in front of the moon. The stars and the planets forming a perfect pentagram. I take this as a message from Great Spirit to believe in our prayers once again and to see all our families coming together in peace. Not just setting aside one day to pray for peace, but to live and pray for peace each day and for harmony and the balance to return to our Mother Earth. To respect all creation and to return our hearts to be one mind, one body, one spirit with Creator/God, true leader of this scared alter we call Mother Earth. This is the time of the awakening where all become responsible for our decisions. Our prophecies have told us of this time where we would have to unite as one sacred family, to join together in Creators dream of peace. All the future generations will depend on our decisions, to once again see all creation as sacred and to believe in our prayers and Creator once again. Because Creator believes in all of you." "Now more than ever we must come together as families for our children and our children's children."

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