Wednesday, February 9, 2011


PROPHECY Written on February 3rd

The February 3rd, 2011 Prophecy was unexpected.

The present world events seem to be mentioned within it, but, I've learned not to try to make things fit with the prophecies when I'm inclined to write them.

This well may be foreshadowing events down the road in the future, but, I'm convinced they're in essence True accounts of events to come and, more importantly a 'reason' behind those events at the core archetypal level.

As I've mentioned, I prefer optimistic lines of higher thought and verse, but, then again, from a higher perspective, even with prophecy, the ends are known from the beginnings, so, they may be optimistic in their conclusion and, seem to be.

First of Months War DrumsRevWarDrums The World Unmade from


Worlds in collision

Countries aflame

People seek answers

And, leaders to blame.

Restricted thought did it

This thought of 'Elite'

Has constructed it's castle

And, sealed it's defeat.

Who has the right

To rule all they see?

Tend your own gardens,

You cannot rule me!

Step in the streets,

The raging melee

The powerful fall there,

It's Divinely decreed.

All Souls seek Harmony

To feed and be fed

No one craves battles

But home fires; soft bed.

A caged beast rebels

And the People are caged

They'll escape and find vengence

The World is Unmade.

A 'master' with whip,

Will, with whip be laid low,

It isn't foreseen,

The 'masters' don't know.

Gather in solace

Strengthen each one

Revolution's not finished

It's only begun.

What's seen as disaster

Is only a clearing

Of the old world's debris

While the new world is nearing.

'Darkness, 'fore dawn'

A candle is lit,

To light a new way

To a new life that's fit

For living and growing

Where love has a place

A world with more Heart

And, where Spirit sets pace.

This prophecy True,

Is disguised in time's shade

But, as tide shifts the seas,

So is evil 'unmade'.

Lift head and smile

Stand erect, then, and Walk

Enboldened by Truth

Be blunt in your Talk

Speak plainly where others

Whisper vaguely their lies

The Truth of your Nature

Needs no disguise.

All Higher Law's for you

You cannot be stopped

Delays are but breathers

Your Freedom's been bought.

Your Freedom brings Sunshine

The elite sent to shade

The Truth you've revealed is

It's their 'world' that's unmade.

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