O Great Spirit, that flies on the wind and carries us in your arms, we offer our prayers to alleviate the suffering of mankind and to bring light to hearts where it is needed most. We pray that those who live in fear, ignorance, and pain look to the skies and find comfort in the wonder of their very creation. We raise our voices in gratitude for this experience of being human and pray to be perfect instruments of light and love in this world. We pray that you allow us to lift the light in our hearts into one pure rainbow of love so that all open hearts may return to your embrace. For the good of all, we pray to be open to your guidance in small moments, where a hair's breadth can change our minds; in these moments, we pray that you enter our hearts and guide us to right action. We pray that the road of love be open to us that we may walk hand in hand, in love, to a glorious new day.
I bless the animals, I bless the children, I bless the timid.
I bless the injured, I bless the struggle.
I bless myself, I bless those who have harmed me, I pray for their peace.
I bless the Earth, I bless fire, I bless water.
I bless the Warriors of Light, I bless the sacred nine directions.
Thank you for receiving my prayer, relatives