Friday, March 30, 2012
Polar bear Anori explores the open-air enclosure with mother Vilma at the zoo in Wuppertal, western Germany.� Anori was born�Jan. 4.
Link THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PICTURE, drop by & see for yourself. DEB.
Polar bear Anori explores the open-air enclosure with mother Vilma at the zoo in Wuppertal, western Germany.� Anori was born�Jan. 4.
Link THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PICTURE, drop by & see for yourself. DEB.
Polar bear Anori explores the open-air enclosure with mother Vilma at the zoo in Wuppertal, western Germany.� Anori was born�Jan. 4.
Link THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PICTURE, drop by & see for yourself. DEB.
Mary Kay� Exotic Passionfruit� Eau de Toilette
Mary Kay� Exotic Passionfruit� Eau de Toilette
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Half Page Border Coloring Page - Native American Indian Coloring Pages
Link DROP BY If you want to FIND Some Native American Pictures to COPY & COLOR of your own choosing, I love to play with this COLORING OPTION then Print them out to SAVE for my own collections,
Jesus Carrying the Cross Coloring Page - Printable Religious Christian Easter color pages for kids
Link I love making things on this website for EASTER with my Friends & FAMILY. Debra Rincon Lopez in Portland OREGON. May GOD BLeSS us all Forever!
Monday, March 12, 2012
waq dal ?i gee ?ewksiknii ?elGank
How do you say that in Klamath?
The section which follows presents some of the basic words utilized by elders in the Klamath and Modoc Tribes. You are encouraged to continue practicing accurate pronounciation as you memorize this beginning vocabulary. This list is merely an introduction to the larger vocabulary used by the Klamath-Modoc elders, much of which was compiled by M. A. R. Barker in his Klamath Dictionary.
Audio coming soon!
sn'eweets = woman, wife
sn'eweeck'a = little woman, girl
weew'ans = women
weleeqs = old woman
hiswaqs = man, male, husband
hiswaqk'a = boy
hihaswaqs = men
moc'aak = old man
gmocatk = old person
cik'aa =
c'aaGi = little boy
c'aaqy'aak =
c'ilwas = unmarried bachelor
tsim'angatk = youth, teenager
n'isq'aak = little girl (7-11)
siw?aak = girl (12-18)
t'at'aksni = children
m'ok'aak = baby
ptisap = father
pk'isap = mother
wnak = son
beep = daughter
s?aaMaks = relative
Body Parts
ec'as = breast, milk
baawac = tongue
balla = liver
bosakl'as = hip, thigh
c'elks = skin
c'ey = buttocks
c'ooks = leg
datGlamni = middle finger
del?is = face
dot = tooth
Geec'o = chin
jeGle = blood
k'ek'eec = vein
laalas = rib
lak'ii = forehead
laq = hair
lel'amy'eeqs = kidney
lolp = eye
Lap'akLas = shoulder
mom'oowac = ear
niis = neck
nkas = stomach
n'awqs = throat
n'ep = hand
n'os = head
pat'oo = cheek
pec = foot
psis = nose
qeemat = back
q'ay'e = intestines
q'ol'anc = knee
sdaynas = heart
sdeqs = fingernail
sootGnoots = windpipe
sm'ooq = beard, moustache
solt'aqk'is = elbow
som = mouth
stakl'inc = heel
tq'op'oo = thumb
t'osooqs = lung
waw'aaks = eye mucus
weq = arm
wew'aqt'as = braids
wso = chest
w'aw'aaqs = ear
YoqYaqs = armpit
Clothes = solootis
c'oyees = hat
gabo = coat
coLiis = shirt
q'aylaalaps = pants
Goqs = dress
sdiksooy = shoes
sdeegins = socks
montant solootis = underpants
baacools = muledeer
ceelis = porcupine
cew = antelope
c'aasis = skunk
c'asgaay = weasel
c'iLas = chipmunk
c'wak'na = cottontail rabbit
daaslaats = cougar
giw?as = pine squirrel
goso = pig
Gewcis = wolf
heyhey = silver fox
kay = rabbit
kols = badger
k'oly'aa (w'as) = coyote
lilhanks = deer
loq = grizzly
monaa dadamnis = gopher
moosmos = cow
moq'ooga = mouse
mosmas = black-tailed deer
moy = woodchuck
peep = pine marten
p'oosis = cat
pom = beaver
qenqan = grey squirrel
qliip'a = mink
qoc'aa = woodrat
w'an = red fox
wac = horse
wac'aak = dog
wacgin'a = raccoon
wasla = squirrel
wil'e = fawn
wit'eem = black bear
won = elk
yohoo = buffalo
Birds = c'ik'as
?ool's = dove
blaywaas = golden eagle
cways = turkey buzzard
c'asGiips = nighthawk
c'ews = yellowhammer
c'ic'iiLoLoo?as = wren
c'ikdo = marsh hawk
c'ikt'iit'i?aak = tule wren
c'oqs = blackbird
c'wiididiks = killdeer
jaqnos = fish duck
dapial = loon
dokdokw'as = osprey, fish hawk
Gaaq = crow
Golaa = canvasback duck
Gos = swan
kol?a = seagull
komal = pelican
l'akl'ak = China brant
mok'as = horned owl
newl'inc = flicker
p'is?as = hummingbird
q'ahq'aah?as = great blue heron
q'eec = tern
q'iliijiks = diver duck
q'lidiis = sandhill crane
s?ooqs = blue crane
sdasdool?aks = California quail
sk'aWk'os = red headed woodpecker
sqol'e = meadowlark
sqol'oos = turkey
sw'iiqs = chick, duckling
t'it'aq = swallow
t'ohoos = mudhen
t'waq'as = green heron
tmo = grouse
tsGeewtsGeews = bluejay
Weeqs = mallard duck
wisGaq = robin
yawq'al = bald eagle
Fish = kyem
?oc'aaks = fish the Modoc catch
c'iyaal's = salmon
c'waam = mullet (Chasmistes luxatus)
yeen = mullet (Catostomus labiatus)
hist'yis = mullet
q'apdo = mullet (Chasmistes brevirostris)
Gawi = eels
k'occ'a = bullhead, gudgeon
meYas = trout
nGaas = rainbow trout
nooqs?am = dried fish (cooked)
qamals = dried fish (in sun)
q'odaks = chub
?alhaq = whale
Other Denizens of the Water
Gleec'o = clam
Goy'a = crawfish
kow'e = frog
sdaqbonks = leech
weGet'as = a small green frog
l'ooks = a kind of brown lizard
ngak = turtle
qii?a = lizard
q?is = rattlesnake
wamnaks = bull-snake
wisink = snake
c'iNeeks = mosquito
dlol = cricket
jigacigas = potato bug
joyoobiks = water skater
k'ot'as = lice
k'oYas = bed bug
manq = housefly
qoqdinks = dragonfly
q'aljijiks = spider
q'iMaac = ant
sk'ins = yellow jacket
t'aht'aah?as = grasshopper
?iwam = huckleberry
baa = bull pine
boc'o = wild celery leaves
qoqoodam = wild celery root
boqs = camas root
cak = serviceberry
cwa = wild potato
c'moLaq = bearberries
dmolo = wild plum
dwicq'as = chokecherries
gees = ipos
Goos = ponderosa pine
jaGlo = sagebrush
joyjiks = strawberries
kson = grass, hay
lmenc?am = elephant ear fungus
lal'il'ilaqs?am = elderberries
LoLooyLoys?am = gooseberries
may = tule
popas = cattail
qdeeLo'am = sugar pine tree
qlisam = oak tree
q'eelo = juniper
bolWi = white sage brush
q'laac = swampberries
totanks?am = blackberries
waako = lodgepole pine
wibal = alder
wial = aspen
wokas = pond lily
wolwans = cedar
yaas = willow
The Larger Creation
Geela = earth
Galoo = sky
?ambo = water
GoGe = river
y'ayn'a = mountain
s?aba = sun, moon
wGawGos = moon
qcool = star
taktakl'i qcool = Mars (red star)
pse gegnis = Venus
Glaws = sand
c'oms?am skodas = blanket snow
Gelbaks = hot
Gelpk'a = it's hot
moo ?an Gattk'a = I am very cold
q'a ?a Gatdaks gee = it's very cold
moo qdooca = it's raining a lot
qdooca = it's raining
kena gee = it's snowing
keys = snow
The Directions
lobiitdal' = east, toward the east yaamat = north
tGalam = west moowat = south
Some Place Names
?iWLaLLoon?a = Klamath Falls
mbosaksawaas = Chiloquin (means flint place)
niiLaks = Barclay Springs (means sunrise)
GawamGeeni = Deep spring place
?ews = Klamath Lake (also means lake)
giiwas = Crater Lake
hisc'akwalee?as = Mount Thielsen
sqo = spring
s?aLam = fall
padaa = summer
loldam = winter
waytas = day
gen waytas = today
?onaa = yesterday
mboosant = tomorrow
pse = daytime
psekst gi = it's noon
dinneega = the sun sets
psin = night
?iLool'a = it's a year
wayta ?an qtana = I slept all day
?onaak ?an batgal = I got up early
?on'cee noo genwapk = I'll go later
doos dal ?at = What time is it?
?at ?a gee psekst gi = it's noon
balbal?i = white
beqbeql'i = gray
boqboql'i = tan
bosbosl'i = black
joyjoyl'i = orange, pink etc.
kaWkaWl'i = brown
m'ecm'ecl'i = blue
taktakl'i = red
woyGanks = green, grass
Naas = one
Nacksept = six
laap = two
lapksept = seven
ndan = three
ndanksept =eight
woniip = four
Nacq'eeks = nine
ton'ip = five
tewn'ip = ten
More Lessons Jump to lessons on vowels, consonants, ejectives, vocabulary, grammer, and phrases.
waq lis ?i = How are you?
dam ?i dic gi = Are you well?
moo dic = Very well!
moo ?an dic hoslta = I feel great, I am feeling very fine.
noo ?a maans dic been ciiyank = I have lived well for a long time.
waq ?i hoslta = How are you feeling?
dam ?i sil?a = Do you feel sick?
q'ay ?an hoslta pac'it = I don't feel well now.
dat ?a mis m'aas?a = Where are you hurting?
satmi qyoqs = Call the Doctor.
dat mi yawqs = Where is your medicine?
sat'waaYi ?is = Help me!
sepk'eec'a = Thank You.
moo ?ams ni stinta = I love you very much.
q'a noo dic'eew'ank mis = I like you very much.
?iyyamni dic'ii waytas pac'it = Have a nice day today.
qadak y'a = Really!
nee ?a qadak = Thats right!
ginaatdal' gepgi = Come this way!
goniitdal' gen = Go that way!
balaq hak = Hurry up!
?on'cee gepgabli = Coming right back.
?at ?a naat ?iWLaLLoon?a genwapk = Now we're going to Klamath Falls.
mboosant cee noo mis been sleewapk = I'll see you again tomorrow.
Lila ?an q'ay mis dola genank = I regret not having gone with you.
Lila ?a ni na?as hemiiGyank = I regret having said that.
san'aaWawli ?a naat s?odees q'a = We want to work hard.
GeGoowapk ?a ni s?odees Goqs gen waytas = I will try to make a dress today.
?at ?an Gattk'a = Now I am cold.
s?abii ?is s?as?apGlee?as = Tell me a story
Gaayakca = go look for (someone)
Here are some common questions and requests:
dwaa dal hoot = What is that?
q'ay noo s?aywakta = I don't understand?
waq dal ?i gee ?ewksiknii ?elGank = How do you say that in Klamath?
k'ewn'i hemkangi = Talk slower!
waq dal ?i seesetk = What is your name?
gew ?a seesas _____ = My name is ____
kani dal hoot = Who is that?
kani dal hoot sn'eweets = Who is that woman?
dat dal ?i gena = Where are you going.
danqn'i ?i ?iLoolatk = How old are you?
dwaa ?i san'aaWawli = What do you want?
q'ay dwaa = Nothing.
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