When we say that, we are in essence, saying (maybe without realizing it) that our repenting or whatever else we do OVERSHADOWS what Jesus did on the cross.
In other words, what Jesus did on the cross was JUST NOT QUITE ENOUGH to completely save me so I must ADD something that he did to stay or get saved and if I don't then God is going to punish me for what Jesus died for.
Those who believe that are not going PAST the cross of Christ to find out EVERYTHING God has applied to the "Finished Works of Christ".
It's what he did AFTER his death that we should be concerned with and it's a shame that most Christians want to go backwards in the Old Testament and the four (gospels) to find their salvation when indeed it is not found there. As Paul says concerning the EARTHLY ministry of Jesus:
"Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the CIRCUMCISION (Israel) for the truth of God, to confirm the PROMISES made unto the fathers. Rom. 15:8
We are members of the "Body of Christ". We are NEW creations in Christ, we have been adopted by God, have received ALL spiritual blessing in heavenly places, are DEAD to the Law and Sin, our life is HID with Christ, we have been MADE the righteousness of God, are in the Spirit and not in the flesh, sealed with the spirit, are COMPLETE in him, we are ACCEPTED in the beloved, HEIRS with Christ. have the fruit of the Spirit, RECONCILED to God by the BLOOD of Christ and saved by HIS life.
Now WHEN did God did all of this happen or does it happen moment by moment as God sits back and wonders what we are going to do next so he can put Plan B into operation?
"For if, when we were ENEMIES, we were (past tense) reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by HIS life." Rom. 5:10
We saved saved by "HIS life" and not by anything we think we can do or not do. There is only room for one savior and it's not us.
" And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through THE FAITH OF CHRIST, the righteousness which is of God by faith." Phil. 3:9.
Did you SEE IT? The "FAITH of Christ".
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