your lives with your tears and sorrows, only to watch more love
blossom! After every challenge dear ones, there is love emerging
from beneath the surface. The challenges in your lives serve only
to help you break through the rocky soil of misconceptions,
illusions, and beliefs that don't serve you. The challenges force
you to find strength, faith, and new ways of thinking that are in
alignment with what you desire to create. The challenges dear ones,
point out the areas in your mind and heart that are not yet aware
of God's great love for you.
So today, our message is simple! It is the springtime of your souls
dear friends. It is time to say, "I want new life! I want my soul
to blossom fully!" "I want to live an inspired life, not just one
of survival, for within God's plan for me, there is so much more
than this." Simplify your lives then. Focus on what you truly want
in the moment. We have said this many times, but we'll say it
again. If you need rest, rest. If you want to pick up the phone and
call someone do so. If you are drawn to a new activity, allow
yourself to pursue it. The smallest choice to love yourself and to
believe in God's love for you, can change your entire life.
If you feel stuck in survival, stop yourself and ask, "How much of
my day must I truly dedicate to survival, or am I spinning my
wheels simply to maintain a sense of control?" Often dear ones, we
see you saying, "I must work all the time. I have so much to do,"
and yet while this is true to a degree, many of you fill your time
with things not entirely necessary - in that moment - and not in
alignment with your hearts. Ask God to make you want to do the
things you must. Ask God to direct your days, your desires, your
activities. Ask God to enter your heart and make you want for
yourself what HE wants for you.
God directs the blossoming of the flowers in the spring. It is
divine love that causes the seeds to poke up through the rocky
soils of winter and to unfurl into the light. So too, if you invite
God to direct your life and your blossoming, and simply listen to
your hearts, one moment at a time, your soul will reach its full
expression and glory in this lifetime
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