changed to Paul after his encounter with God; we see he was probably unheard
of during his three years in Arabia. Until he became as "a basket case" while
escaping death, and then going to preach in Jerusalem; he was not known
by the Christians there. However, as Barnabas came to Paul's rescue
and explained Paul's declaration of the Lord to the disciples at Jerusalem
(Peter and James), they came to accept Paul, and his ministry.
If they had heard of the change in Paul's life previous to this time, they had no
proof of it, until Barnabas came to Paul's defense. God had a man in the right place
and at the right time to defend His servant and strengthen him. Our Lord
will always send an Encourager and one who will support His servants,
in their time of need. It's great to have friends who are not afraid to help
in time of trouble, who will help make things right. We should all be
encouragers to others. Those like Barnabus see through eyes of faith,
what others may not see, and then act on the revelation of God.
Have you ever felt like a "basket case" or know of others who may feel this way?
Maybe you have even been called this by others or used this expression yourself.
We hear this statement from people many times who feel unworthy, or who feel
they cannot accomplish anything, for the Lord. We also hear this said about
people who are misunderstood or rejected by others.
Take heart today as you read the story of the great Apostle of the Lord. He was
also misunderstood, thought to be a false disciple, persecuted, doubted, and
had to flee for his life. Keep on "keeping on" for the Lord, as Paul continued on
by faith. Nothing could stop Paul in his vision to proclaim God's Word. He
always pressed on for the Lord and God's power was with Him.
What men put down, God picks up and uses for His glory. Paul started off
being doubted by many, facing many dangers .and was rescued by
being let down in a basket to a place where he could go for help. Yet we
know Paul was much more than just a man who escaped by way of a basket.
"Blessed was his spiritual basket and blessed was his store." Not only was
he blessed, but because of His determination, dedication, and words; we are
also blessed and grow in grace today.
In spite of persecution, stripes, stonings, false accusations, and other misfortunes
by false brethern, Paul had victory in Jesus. He was spiritually blessed beyond
measure, as he fought a good fight and finished his course. A crown of
righteousness was laid up for him in heaven which he received. Will we be able
to say the same as we near the end of life's journey? Hopefully, we all will keep
on pressing on in life's race, and know the best is yet to come for God's children.
Take courage today and keep on fighting the good fight of faith! God's children are more
than a basket case! If God holds the 'basket' of our lives, it doesn't matter what
others think, as long as the Lord is in control. "If God brings you to it, He will surely
see you through it." Let go and let God! He will take care of you until the very end.
We are blessed to be able to have the mind of Christ, renewed by His grace and
mercies, and kept by His awesome power. May He be glorified today and always!
Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly � 2010, 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations
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